BISMARCK, N.D. (KVRR) — Former North Dakota Governor Ed Schafer has launched a new campaign against Constitutional Measure 2.
The ballot question proposed by the state legislature would establish new restrictions on North Dakota’s ballot initiative process.
It would require constitutional and non-constitutional initiated measures to be limited to a single subject determined by the Secretary of State.
It would also require certain qualified electors from the state to sign off on petitions.
Schafer says the measure would not be for the people and calls it unnecessary.
“Legislators go too far, they overreach. People say the pendulum swings, hey we went too far let’s pull it back. Then it swings the other way and then people say its gone too far the other way, let’s pull it back. And you need that correction mechanism in there. You need that ability for people to say, we can get together and we can direct our government, not just the legislators,” said Ed Schafer, Former U.S. Agriculture Secretary and Governor.
The measure will be on the Nov. 5 ballot.